Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wake Up - If you did not already know you should

What is at stake today is our ability to drive value in the long-run, and the long-run is not far away - It is here. Please watch and read the following blog posts

If these posts are not providing a wake up call - I am not sure what will!

My View:

  1. Stop talking about tax breaks (I am sure by now most people do not mind paying a little more for a greater good. At least, I am) and start trying to figure out how to invest into our Future (education being one of them) that will allow us and our kids (our future) to be competitive. So Rather than taking a stance of rejecting money due to political affiliations, figure out a way to invest that will produce long-term benefits.
  2. Stop talking about bail-outs (they are necessary so lets get beyond that) and ordering banks to lend (there is no entitlement here, carelessness in lending is what got us here in the first place), so rather than having an entitlement behavior, lets provide a reason for institutions to lend; Announcing projects, is one way - which becomes the basis for credit worthiness and reason for someone to lend. If not, just lending will get us back to current situation faster than we can imagine. New business (Projects) will provide the “Hope” needed to move forward.
  3. "Hope" does not emerge if the justification for every move is based on “Catastrophe Avoided”. This will only scare people further, So Let the next bail-out be framed in-terms of meeting Business needs (insurance/lending - what ever they may be) rather than another “Dooms Day” Avoided. That will help show “Light at the end of the Tunnel” rather the darkness everyone sees on every bail-out measure announced.


The views represented in this blog are my personal views and are not a reflection of or opinions of any of the institutions I am associated with or have worked for.


  1. Dear Nagesh,
    Thank you for thwo video links. Both the links are highly informatiove and very useful especially to persons like me who are tech novices. This is the first time I ever visited a blog. Wish you happy blogging.

  2. Dear Nagaesh,
    Thank you for the two video links. Both the links are highly useful and informative. This is the first time I ever saw a blog. Wish you happy blogging.
