Recently, I posted on article titled "IT Hardware - Who is the future buyer?",
Today, I ran into this announcement from VMWARE: VMware to Manage Virtual Machines from Mobile Phones.
Though this announcement is from a specific supplier of virutualization technology, I am pretty confident this is trend in the industry.
If you carefully read and analyze the under pinning of the message, which is :- "we can reliably manage Virtual Assets from Edge/ End User Devices and virtual assets can be consumed on demand" - then we will truly have commodotized the Physical Hardware by being able to seamlessly move our virtual assets at WILL to the best value provider of physical assets dynamically ==> My Take: This announcement substantiates my assertation in the previous post in the long run !
The views represented in this blog are my personal views and are not a reflection of or opinions of any of the institutions I am associated with or have worked for.
AT&T Breaks Up Turner, Bulks Up Warner Bros. in Major Overhaul
AT&T started reorganizing its WarnerMedia unit by combining its disparate
networks and entertainment businesses, an overhaul that is expected to lead
to co...
6 years ago
Yet an another proof of the trend:
This article talks about how Enterprise will no longer buy servers for Email