Airline Industry, The Banking Industry, The Auto Industry and even countries now !
However, today as I heard Robert Reich, Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley on Marketplace on NPR, for the first time I really felt , he talked about a bailout, that made sense, hopefully someone is listening:
The argument was simple : Robert Reich's Quote "Financial capital moves instantly around the globe to wherever it can earn the best return. Human capital -- the skills and insights of our people -- is the one resource that's uniquely American, on which our future living standards uniquely depend." UnQuote
For full commentary visit :
My understanding in simple terms: We should not let the budget short falls of state and local government impact our school and universities, so we should bail them out to ensure education at all levels is affordable. This kind of bailout will create the human capital needed for a sustainable economy in the long run.
My Take: I whole heartedly agree with Robert Reich. His commentary reminded me of my first blog : Wake Up - If you did not already know you should, which was all about our ability drive value. I truly, can say today I heard about a bailout that made sense and hence decided to blog it.
The views represented in this blog are my personal views and are not a reflection of or opinions of any of the institutions I am associated with or have worked for.