Thursday, May 21, 2009

Equating Outsourcing to Losing Jobs - Is that Right?

My Views on Business and Technology: Equating Outsourcing to Losing Jobs - Is that Right?

University of Texas professor James Galbraith, makes references to Jobs and Productivity in this inteview on Yahoo!Finance. Since I made reference to Productivity in my previous post. I felt it was a relevant to listen so posting the link to my blog.

The Link to News:"In-Every-Way-a-Good-Thing"-Upside-of-Soaring-Federal-Budget-Deficits?tickers=%5EDJI,%5EGSPC,SPY,DIA,TLT,TBT,UDN?sec=topStories&pos=9&asset=&ccode=


The views represented in this blog are my personal views and are not a reflection of or opinions of any of the institutions I am associated with or have worked for

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