Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Wake Up - If you did not already know you should"

My Views on Business and Technology: "Wake Up - If you did not already know you should"

Jim Collins in the Business Week article this month on his latest book "HOW THE MIGHTY FALL AND WHY SOME COMPANIES NEVER GIVE IN" stated that it started with the Question - "Is America renewing its greatness, or is America dangerously on the cusp of falling from great to good?"

For any one, who read my inital post on this subject, this BusinessWeek article and video link in the article provides insight that is very thought provoking whether you look at it from National Perspective, Enterprise Perspective or and Individual Perspective.

Relevant Link - Business Week Article : http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/09_21/b4132026786379.htm?campaign_id=rss_daily



The views represented in this blog are my personal views and are not a reflection of or opinions of any of the institutions I am associated with or have worked for

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